Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Seasons .

Eunt .

Winter. Fall. Winter. Fall. 45 degrees. Fall. Rain. Shine. Cold again. This is Cincinnati. A macrocosm of my life. All over the place. Take a walk, on this walk turn a corner and walk seven blocks. You see that if you go straight for another quarter mile there will be refreshment waiting. But something catches your eye to the left just at the end of your eyes' focus. You decide it is worth your curiosity- it is. Again however, that refreshment comes into your mind. You change direction , refreshment in your mind once more. You are closer than you have been when you see something else slightly away from your most recent position. Once again your desire for more takes you to an off shooting path. Refreshment is never from your mind as you slip into foreign ideas. This is my college career thus far. I seek refreshment but in my mind I am not quite there. I have learnt to wait and move strategically in life, skills can be acquired with a right mind and an intuitive sense of foresight. I give a light step when its called for and a near jump if its required. I have an ambitious root inside me and as I fill the soil with rich experiences, leading , nurturing, and some times shocking bits of Life. The drive begins to pace just a little faster. The reach embodies me finer. I feel confident but I am aware- that if I do not continue and even improve this formulae- it can collapse. Everything can be ended on a stroke of Grief's harp. Only the foolish play invincible, though we've all had a sip from youth's delusions. I patiently await my season. And patience is all I can be sure of .   

Here is a picture a friend of mine  shot earlier this year. I do enjoy his style.

Summer Music Festival +  2012

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Spring has Sprung!

  Spring is here and I couldn't be happier. At the end of the fall season I had placed a terrarium outside in an attempt to ditch some soil flies that had been killing off my beloved plants. Well one day it rains , floods the whole system and - being four stories up on a fire escape- I wasn't in a rush to empty it. Winter hit. What happens to water in the winter? It freezes. What happens to glass when it freezes? It cracks. So the terrarium cracked and drained.
  Lucky for me this spring I realized the entire bottom of this terrarium is splintered: leaving one solution. I'll have to sift the soil out carefully and remove the glass pieces without them dropping four flights onto and into my neighbors space. Great news is however that a flooded sapling I had thought to be dead survived the winter and so I repotted him in a brilliant ceramic pot that was on sale and he is now the supreme dignitary of my fire escape along with a currently unknown herb that managed to survive the winter season also.

  My joy of the season however , is not limited by or only applied to plants. People! I somehow find myself each winter dropping into a somber state of reclusion. This means few friends and even fewer female companions. Spring is here though and already the cards are back on the table.  As if my personality had sprang new life itself I feel happier, more confident and surrounded by more friends and ladies once again. Oh how I love the Spring and Summer :)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

My Bed :)

I was always told to make my own bed , so naturally taking things literally I did exactly that! Hemp string for strength, polyester stuffing material a courduroy like top and waterproof no slip bottom it's amazingly comfy and stores away nicely when needed! M for my last name novicely sewed on the front too.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Science Behind Water

Ever wondered if Holy Water is actually different than regular water? Would you believe that this substance that makes up most of our body is affected differently by words and statements directed towards it? Or what if you were to discover that water retains memory of its surroundings?
This film will change your perspective and bring understanding I hope.

Water- A Public Service Announcement

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Salad IS delicious.

   2011 I mastered the art of introducing substances and poor nutrition into my body. 2012 I have grown from the college life fad and decided starting a healthy lifestyle would be more beneficial and so far I'm loving it! I applied for foodstamps and making less than $1800 a month became eligible for delicious and nutritious bounty err day all day!
   So usually once a month I make this salad which consists of
+ Fresh Spinach leaves
+ Fresh Berries
+Swiss or Italian shredded cheese
+ Salmon or Chicken
(Rubbed with a Lemon Pepper and Oregano seasoning and grilled)
+ Italian dressing or Vinegerette
+Optional Lime squeezing atop

This is a delicious meal and would also be great with a light topping of granola or whatever one may find tantilizing to the taste buds. Enjoy!